Paxinosa Easton: My Own Story (2011)
In the world of the short film Gold Diggers of 1829, Paxinosa Easton is a cartoonishly evil golden retriever. Now the real Paxinosa Easton, a golden retriever born in Pennsylvania in the year 1827, wants to tell his side of the story and clear his name. A tragic tale of ridiculously named puppies getting and losing jobs, dreaming of fame on the vaudeville stage, and facing horrible workplace discrimination because of their species.
Watch Paxinosa's plea for you to hear his side of the story and just try to resist those sad golden retriever eyes.
Illustrated with adorable puppy drawings, among other things.
12 pages
5.5" x 8.5"
black and white
yellow cardstock covers
Get a copy here.